STAR Renaissance Benchmark Assessments Round Two

STAR Renaissance Benchmark Assessments Round Two

The Department of Catholic Schools is utilizing an “adaptive” computerized test Renaissance Learning STAR Assessments.

In this assessment model, a student spends between 20-40 minutes taking a math or language arts assessment using a computer (or iPad.) If a student answers a question correctly, the program adjusts by offering him/her a slightly harder question the next time. In this way, a student’s performance level can be accurately determined in a much shorter period of time, avoiding “testing fatigue.”

This type of assessment is criterion referenced (based on how much curriculum a student has learned) and the results are available immediately for the teacher to review. Testing window is currently open. Teachers will notify their students when they will taking their Math and Reading third round benchmark assessments.

The results provide us with valuable information that will help us guide and improve our instruction and our curriculum for every child. For this reason, we ask that you please make sure your child receives a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast during his/her testing days.

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