About Us » Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

The administration, faculty, students, and families of St. Andrew School believe in Catholic education that educates the whole child.

We believe in an educational partnership between home and school

Working with and supporting parents as the primary educators of their children
Building a community spirit at school and home that supports the total development of each child
Providing an experience of education that respects the dignity of the human person
Encouraging the development of a faith life that produces ethical, critical thinkers
Supporting the complete educational process through communication about student’s progress (conferences, progress notes, report cards, newsletters, homework letters, and the like.)
Expecting the parent’s involvement in the learning process, especially in their regular attention and participation in their child’s homework responsibilities
Cooperating in projects and programs to support the total educational process

We believe in religious education

Educating children in the Catholic faith and nurturing in each person a response to God’s love through participation in the sacramental life of the Church
Fostering local and global attitudes of justice, peace and service
Applying Catholic principles to daily living and daily choices
Respecting diversity in talents, backgrounds, families, cultures, religions, and ways of doing things

We believe in academic education

Planning and developing educational programs which provide varieties of learning experiences
Assisting students in the acquisition of basic language and mathematical skills
Promoting critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, communication, and personal study skills
Relating learning and instruction to life situations
Encouraging and expecting cooperation and responsibility in students
Using varieties of tools and materials in the learning process
Preparing students for high school entrance

We believe in cultural/arts education

Integrating the arts throughout the school and after school program
Providing classroom singing and recorder lessons for grades K through 6
Collaborating with the Armory Center for the Arts and other museums in our neighborhood for art gallery and art workshop activities and the FLARE program
Planning, producing and performing plays, concerts, puppet shows, musical presentations, and the like.
Enjoying and appreciating varieties of music through our relationship with Southwest Chamber Music and other musical groups
Exploring downtown Pasadena

We believe in social education

Creating community among faculty, students, and families
Developing communication skills that build strong relationships
Preparing students to become responsible and contributing members of society
Recognizing and valuing positive qualities and achievements of students
Participating in team and group work
Respecting diversity in talents, backgrounds, families, cultures, and ways of doing things

We believe in psychological/health education

Developing self-esteem and self-confidence in students
Respecting and valuing the uniqueness of each person
Preparing students and staff for emergency/crisis situations
Making available school, parish and community resources to students and families in crisis or with special needs
Encouraging nutritious eating habits
Providing physical activities
Teaching appropriate behavior and manners for a variety of situations
Fostering daily hygiene practices
Reviewing safety rules on an annual basis

We believe in physical education

Applying physical education to life (understanding and appreciating basic physical fitness; properly using sports equipment; behaving in safe ways for self and others in all physical activities; demonstrating proper and appropriate social, cooperative, and competitive skills)
Practicing health and physical fitness activities
Respecting our bodies and the bodies of others
Participating in a variety of physical games and sports
Learning to win and lose
Modeling cooperative behavior and respect for younger students