Religion & Faith Life

- To proclaim the message of Jesus.
- To create Christian community.
- To worship God.
- To serve each other and the world.
Religion classes and faith formation are the foundation of the entire school program. The mission, philosophy, and vision statements today reiterate the original mission of the school: excellent Catholic education of children so that they will become competent and productive adults who make ethical and moral decisions and contribute meaningfully to society. Catholic values, teachings and traditions are integrated throughout the curriculum and the school program. Students and faculty work together daily to learn, pray, and play in an atmosphere of love, respect, and community

- Daily Prayer
- Weekly School Mass attendance
- Prepares the children for Holy Sacraments: Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
- Works with parents to prepare the children for the Sunday Liturgy of the Word.
- Teaches students about the liturgical year and the lives of the saints.
- Prepares students for worship and for growth in understanding of the liturgy.
- Participation in the William H. Hannon Foundation Father Serra Essay Contest (Grade 4).
- Annual participation in the ACRE Exam (NCEA standardized test).
- Various service projects throughout the school year.
- The school community participates in One Life LA and middle school participates in Christian Service 4 Life (a capstone activity for Respect Life Week).
- Retreats for sacramental prep as well as all grade levels.
Religion curriculum of St. Andrew Catholic School follows the Religion Standards for elementary schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.